Official Plan Review

Welcome to Seguin Official Plan Review Website
This website is a tool for the public to obtain all information about Seguin's Official Plan Review (OPR) process.
Public input is essential throughout the review process and this website is an ongoing opportunity to do so. This website includes reading material of Background Discussion Papers, Policy Direction Reports, “What We Heard” from the Seguin Steering Committee, and Policy Issue Scoping Report which is all created in a combination of previous public input, Seguin Steering Committee input, and consultant policy research and review.
There are a few ways in which interested parties can provide input:
Message from Mayor
Ann MacDiarmid

"Welcome to Seguin’s Official Plan Review. While this review is mandated to occur every 10 years by Ontario’s Planning Act, it is an important opportunity for Council and Staff to engage with our community. Working with Skelton, Brumwell and Associates, it is our goal to provide many opportunities for everyone in the community to provide feedback on our existing Official Plan and suggest opportunities for improvement during this important review of our Official Plan. Given the current public health guidelines, we will be leveraging many types of technology to ensure that you and your communities of lake associations can provide input in a variety of ways that will continue to guarantee your health and safety.
The Official Plan is a policy guidance document which is intended to serve as the basis for making land use planning decisions and managing change in the Township of Seguin. It will contain goals, objectives and policies to manage and direct changes to the social, economic and natural environment of Seguin. The Official Plan, combined with the 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan, must ensure that Seguin is an environmental leader, provides and exceptional community experience while enabling community prosperity.
Most importantly, the Official Plan is a comprehensive policy document that applies to all land within the Township of Seguin. It is not intended to be “law” but rather a road map that will influence how Seguin is to continue to prosper in the coming years.
This is your opportunity to communicate your thoughts on how you want to see Seguin develop over the coming years. For lake associations, we will be depending on you to communicate with all of your members to ensure that you represent all of your members. We look forward to hearing from many of you!"